Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Good Life?

If some people (Brent McKinney), think that I am going to post every day my musings on life, those people are mistaken! Surely you have better things to read daily than my thoughts (try Brent's blog, the BBC news, or Till We Have Faces, by C.S. Lewis)... so I am going for once a week! And that is pretty dang good if you ask me.

DTS has been good, and hard. But honestly, I am thriving here. My respect for and reverence of God's word is growing so much, and I am more convinced than EVER (in spite of very difficult questions) that I am serving the one true God, and that his Bible is inspired. At the same time, I am filled with questions about this life I am living, and how to live it WELL. There are so many needs in this world, in this country, in Dallas, in the library I am sitting in right now, that my heart hurts. Just this week I read about forced prostitution in Thailand where girls and boys younger than I had fathomed are sold into the sex trade. Later I read about how 1500 languages in Africa still have not one book of the bible. Then I think about my neighbor, a full time student who has four kids, a wife whose health is faltering, and is unable to find a job... it can get overwhelming...

"Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last." My friend Bill prefers to say "in" Christ, and I think I like his revision. My heart breaks for the people in need around me, and I commit my life to loving others as best as I know how, but always, ALWAYS for the sake of, and IN, Christ. God did not create me to run around like a chicken with my head cut off "meeting needs." He created me to LOVE Him, and to love others. I cannot do the latter when I neglect the first, and furthermore, there is no joy in it.

I heard someone once say, "The only Christian leader I know of who didn't have a 'gottago gottago gotta save the world' Messiah complex was, in fact, The Messiah!" Jesus rested. He talked, he had relationships. He went away by himself for awhile. He did not life a frantic life. But lest we read this and use it as an excuse for "selfishness," let's remember his sacrifice. He created the world, and then entered into it as a man. He knit people together, and they crucified him. No, Jesus did not live a frantic life. But he did lead a life of loving sacrifice. Oh, how I long for my life to look like his! For today, the only thing I know is I must spend time with him, and pray as I try to love others well.

Please pray for me as I look for direction and guidance, and as I seek to put Christ first in all I do. Pray for yourself too! Also, please look up around you, at the woman in the checkout line in the grocery store, at your neighbor, at your children. What needs to they have? Could God be calling you to serve them by helping to meet them? Oh, how I love Jesus! If you know him, I pray you walk closely with him today. If you don't, please email or call me and we can talk, or ask someone you think might know.

I'm sorry for this being a bit preachy! It was more like "thoughts" than an update. But whatever!
May God be glorified in all we say and do!


Kendra said...

Hello, I am TERRIBLY CURIOUS, and maybe you can correct my assumptions, but what is it like being a female student at DTS? Could you write about that? I am a fellow woman-in-ministry that went through Seminary. (Presbyterian.) I know that I had a love/hate relationship with the process.

en la lucha,

Anonymous said...

I was blessed by your blog today. I will pray for both of us. I love you.