Saturday, March 13, 2010

First Impressions

Today was a day like any other. I rocked, I boomed, I carried the world forward. I moved and swayed and towered and held within me bustling cold business. It rained, and they went out anyway. They hid beneath my awnings, yelled when cabs drove by and muddied their boots. But I stood like a rock, foundations deep, not minding at all about the aching, moaning, screeching, singing, of a few. There were millions. I had to think of the mass, not the parts.

Two Texans came, feeling pretty big. Didn’t take them long to be cut down to size. Standing in Time Square, soaking and lost, wide eyed. I took note, boomed, they shook and scurried.

-New York (as interpreted by frenzied Abby)


Brent said...

If you're in Times Square, you're not lost.

NYC is my happy place.

Sarah said...

Please take pictures my TX friend. Praying...

Nikki said...

Wish I knew you were in NYC! I would have taken a train from Philly to see you! Hope you are having fun!

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