Thursday, June 10, 2010

Family Reunion Day One

Context: My brother in law, Danny, my sister Ali and I left yesterday to see his family for two days, and will continue on tomorrow for the Lorenc family reunion. I think there should be plenty to write about. Here's some from yesterday:

Crumb free since 93

I’m driving to Arkansas right now. Well, I’m riding, in the backseat behind my sister and brother-in-law, with whom I have the honor of carpooling. My sister is currently turned around in the passenger seat with her face six inches from mine, shaking the crumbs out of her jean shorts.

This is what happens when you order your already stale subway bread toasted. It crumbles and climbs down jean shorts. She’s screeching that they’re poking her. I think it’s going to be a good trip.

1 comment:

sarah said...

thats a nice way of expressing the crumbs from a warms toasted bread like sandwhich. - s