Saturday, June 12, 2010

Family Reunion Day Three

Lost in the Family Tree (also lost in Missouri)

While driving from Arkansas to Kansas Ali took Danny and I on a tour of the family tree so that we might be better acquainted with Donna’s ex husbands daughters aunts parakeet. Somewhere along the way, while trying to regurgitate names, we missed our exit and traveled an hour out of our way. This is what happens when you use the iphone to research family trees instead of as a GPS. I miss paper maps, with all of their folding frustrations. Good think I flipping love my sister and brother in law. Now it’s taco bell for lunch and twice the Missouri we had planned on.

Baby Names

Ali and Danny are going through the entire alphabet picking out the best baby names for girls and boys for each letter. Usually I am not aware of being a third wheel with them, and normally I don’t regret being twenty-five and single. I actually love my life and the adventures I’ve been able to have. But now they are discussing whether or not Collin sounds too much like Colon and we still have two hours left on our road trip. All of the sudden instead of a twenty five year old bright eyed adventurer staring back at me from the rear-view mirror, an old wrinkled lady covered in cat hair has replaced her. She is mourning the children she never had and thinking about how many great C names she could have come up with for a boy had she had one. Thankfully, she has her cats to name and console, and although she once hated cats and is still asthmatic and highly allergic, she has resigned herself to dutifully playing her old cat lady role in society.

Oh my, they just moved to the D’s, and they’re not even pregnant.


Kristin, your sister's sister in law :) said...

Ha! I don't think you'll EVER be an old cat lady. If anything, you'll be an 80 year old walking the Great Wall of China or climbing some obscure mountain. Nope, old cat lady will never be you!

Chase Russell said...

Chase is a great C name...just sayin'

Daniel said...

You are my hero for this post.

Rachel Treadaway said...

Abbs! Wish I could have been there in the back seat to console you!! Once a counselor told me to make a list of my greatest fears, and "being a 35 single cat-owner" made the list. It was very near the top. :) So I really want to know... what name did YOU like best? I have a sneaking suspicion that you picked one out, and maybe even had some non-cat involved future scenarios running through your curly little head.

Jamie said...

Abby... this is awesome! You are hysterical and I hope we can hang out sometime!

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