Friday, May 16, 2008

To Ali and Danny

Tomorrow my little sister is getting married to a man who has won not only her heart, but the hearts of everyone in our family by his commitment to Christ and his love for her. Anyone who knows me knows that I admire and respect Ali as much as any woman in this world. She is steadfast, compassionate, mature and gentle, and she loves her Lord. I kind of knew she would marry first, though I would be lying to say I have dealt with it perfectly gracefully this whole time. However, I never really believed I would actually want her to marry and leave us. Until I met Danny. I can honestly say, my sister is better off in his hands. She is all those things I listed above, but since meeting him, she has become more comfortable in her own skin. He has loved her this short time with a love imitating the love of Christ, and because of this she believes more now than two years ago that she is precious in His sight.
Tonight at the rehearsal dinner the floor was opened to "roast and toast" the happy couple. It took forever, because these two have significantly impacted so many lives in that room. Each person stood up and praised Danny for his humility, his leadership, his intentionality in the lives of the men around him, and praised Ali for her faithfulness, her devotion, and the simple way in which she lives. I watched Ali and Danny as their eyes teared up, and know them well enough to know that they were deflecting the glory to their Lord, knowing these good things are from Him. There was no self-depreciation in their eyes. I saw humble gratitude there, and Christ was glorified.
This time tomorrow, Ali and Danny will have left the reception, and I have no doubt that there will be a small hollowness in my heart where they are now. But the overwhelming sentiment will be joy at what God can do in two people that love him, and gratitude that I get a front row seat to their lives. My sister is out now, spending a few more minutes with her fiance. And when she gets back it will be one more night of pj's, excitement, and Lorenc sister solidarity before she goes. I'm going to go now and soak it up. But before I did, I just had to give one more toast. To Ali and Danny. May your life together glorify our God.

1 comment:

kandy said...

wow.... unbelievable