Thursday, May 22, 2008


I am pretty tired, but don't want to go to bed yet, so I thought I'd share a poem from the past.

Fitting In (to be read with a country accent)

Sometimes, when things don't fit, it kinda gets you down.

like when your cars to big for the parking spot,
or your pants don't zip and you know they ought,
or the freezer's jammed and you've got a bag of ice,
or your in the mood for chick flicks and your date brought poltergeist.

Other times when things don't fit, it kinda makes you smile.

like the large bearded man in the tiny green slug bug,
or the suddenness of a from behind hug
or the hippie wearing flip flops in the dead of december
or the smell at the mall that forced you to remember

the seventh grade, when nobody fit
and everything is awkward and life's a total pit.
cause you're working your tail off to figure out who you should be
though the moments when you just are, are the moments when you're free.

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