Thursday, August 25, 2011


My neighbor, with peach fuzz hair (growing back slowly after chemotherapy), and framed pictures of Obama all over her house. She loves President Obama, and sent him a birthday card from our apartment complex. I signed it gladly. Right now the floor of my apartment is shaking because she is playing hip hop with a ridiculous base. She is about seventy, and frequently she turns on base heavy rap at apartment-shaking volume, and then goes outside to go swimming. Then I go outside and get her out of the pool to turn down her music which no one can hear but me.  This is one of those moments, and I'm too tired to go get her.

For my first day of school she brought me Kleenex and soap and told me that students are germy. I wrote her a thank you card and she wrote me a thank you card back for my thank you card. When she came over for dinner last week she asked if I were seeing anyone and if I believed in God, and she told me she was Jewish and Catholic and "okay with gays."

"Love your neighbors," He said. Don't mind if I do. :)


Bethoover said...

Abby you are a precious, precious friend. Marina is one lucky lady!

Rachel Treadaway said...