Sunday, April 29, 2012

From the Deep

I went to see for I had traveled deep
Inside myself my hurting self to keep
Wrapped up alone and cold and seeing there
Through telescope that reached to eyes and air.

I read just fine I walked and did not fall
What once had loomed and screamed grew quiet and small
I heard my words and saw them nod and smile.
Sufficient, I could rest inside awhile.

So weeping cries, they settled to an ache.
No longer did I fear that I would break
The tender me curled up and lay quite still

I went to see for I had traveled deep
Inside myself my hurting self to keep
And took note that the thickness of her skin
Kept scary clutching claws from getting in.

But noticed too, the sunsets ceased to gleam
The moon fell flat without her reaching beam
Dogs licked. Annoyed, she pushed them out of sight
Friends called. I could not laugh. I said goodnight.

I saw the balance weighed and knew my choice
Climbed back inside despite a windy voice
And curled up watching life from far a deep
With one great tremor laid Myself to sleep.

Asleep I lay and numb contented I
had no intent of waking death to die.
But scent of safety woke me from the gray
And out I looked to softish warming day.

Awake! already asking, was there fear?
I found only a longing for the sky.
Lured I reached myself into my skin
Longing to Taste and See and know again.

Without hoorah without ceremony
As if helped by a power outside of me
One step one look one stanza at a time
Slow and steadily I made the climb.


Cheri said...

Love you.

Kelsey said...

abby. jane. thank you.

you add so much beauty to the world, it is just astounding.

Kelsey said...
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